Huntly Travel Hub

Huntly Travel Hub can be found at 11 Deveron Street, Huntly.

The Hub provides information on walking and cycling paths and routes in the area, as well as support and guidance on joining the Car Club, accessing the Community Minibus and picking up and dropping off electric bikes.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Hub and supporting your travel options across the local area.

The Hub - Development

Thanks to support from Transport Scotland's Low Carbon Transport and Travel Challenge Fund, the Vattenfall Clashindarroch Windfarm Community Fund and our own investment, the Huntly Travel Hub at 11 Deveron Street in Huntly opened in September 2023.

McWilliam Lippe Architects and Neil Donald Joinery and Building Contractors were appointed to support the redevelopment work.

The architect sketches below detail the development:

825 11rev D Floor Plan
825 12rev D Service Plan
825 13rev D Elevations
825 14rev D Section

Get Involved

We invite you to join us on our journey.